Lawrenceville Tree Service That Gets it Right.

Great Quality • Fully Insured • Certified Arborists • Great Price • Now Serving Lawrenceville, GA

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Tree Services Offered in Lawrenceville, GA

Atlanta Tree Removal

Lawrenceville Tree Removal

Whether it's removing a single tree or clearing an entire lot in Lawrenceville, we can handle it at a reasonable price.

Atlanta Yard Cleanup

Lawrenceville Yard Cleanup

We can remove tree branches, brush, debris, or fallen trees in order to make your yard safer and "easier on the eyes."

Atlanta Tree Trimming

Lawrenceville Tree Trimming

We're able to offer tree trimming / tree pruning services all throughout Lawrenceville, no matter the situation.

Tree Health Care Atlanta GA

Tree Health Care Larenceville

A Certified Arborist will visit Lawrenceville to take a look at your trees and offer reasonable intervention solutions.

Emergency Tree Service Atlanta GA

24/7 Emergency Service

You can't predict when disaster will strike Lawrenceville, so we offer 24/7 Emergency Service just for those times.

Atlanta Lot Clearing

Lot Clearing in Lawrenceville

Lawrenceville Developments often require extensive tree removal & lot clearing. We offer special rates just for these projects.

“Atlanta Tree Company was so helpful every step of the way. I can't recommend them enough to my family and friends.”

Jane Miller


Atlanta Tree Company was created with a simple mission:

Atlanta Tree Company was created in order to bring quality tree services to the Lawrenceville area at a price that is affordable to the average residential homeowner.


We work with a variety of tree crews, enabling us to serve every customer’s need at various different price points.


From projects with tight budget constraints to “white glove” tree care, we have got you covered.

Atlanta Arborist Cutting Tree


Contact Us For a Free Estimate

Cities We Serve

We're Proud to Service The Greater Atlanta Area. Other Cities We Serve Include: